Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Elusive Bag O'Crap

There's a website out there - called - it's kind of a one-day one-deal type website - everyday at 10 o'clock Pacific Time, a new item is posted - the item is typically highly discounted from it's typical price (one example was a 20 GB XBOX 360 Refurbished on sale for $129.99) - everything ships for $5 flat and you can purchase 1, 2 or 3 of the current item (3 is max)... This is all good and well, except woot throws in a twist every month or so.

Occassionally, at 10 central time, when the new item appears, instead of being a typical gadget or gizmo, a picture of a brown paper bag with a question mark on it will show up. This is the elusive Bag Of Crap - This random bag of crap (if you can buy one fast enough) costs you $3 + $5 shipping, and comes with a minimum of 3 things - most of the time, it's leftover stuff from previous woot auctions. But other times, you could get lucky - blogs online claim that people have received 50" plasma tv's or Playstation 3's or even better. However, you could also get a used toilet bowl cleaner, a broken slinky and a rubber piece of dog crap. It all just depends.

I've tried multiple times to buy the bag o'crap when it shows up, but typically woot's servers crash because so many people try to buy them at the same time - so far, I have not been successful. Good luck if you choose to try.


Ali said...

Wow amazing post i will try to get the BOC (bag o'crap)

Alex B said...

I love this concept bc you know for every Playstation 3 they hand out, they are giving out 1,000 true bags of crap! Yet, the unwashed masses line up at their respective computers to pay for an opportunity to get a BOC! I see my next business opportunity.