Sunday, June 7, 2009

Awkward Family

I guess with so many people in the world, you should never be surprised about stupid acts. But occasionally, just occasionally something so special comes around that is so amazing, so dumb, and so awkward! Welcome to the world of awkward family photos! brings you some gut busting pictures.

BAM! How does this one grab you!?!?! Seriously, what is this photographer thinking? My bet is it's the mother's sister who is pissed because the mother didn't help out at the last family thanksgiving dinner.

Our next beauty..................

If my parents did this, I can't tell you mad I would be. This is so disgusting. Parents should only be seen kissing for brief moments in the kitchen on accident, NOT and I repeat NOT passionately kissing in print for all to see forever! This is a king awkward......

Sorry Alex, had to intrude and include this beauty:


spoon said...

I haven't literally lol'ed in a long time. This website takes the cake. I LOVED these pics. The author's commentary is the best.

Jacob said...

I'll have to agree with Spoon on this; that is the first time I have audibly laughed out loud in a while.