Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Christmas present to you...

Christmas is fast approaching and we are giving to gifts to those around us. Well, when it comes to giving gifts to that special someone we have to be careful because as Jerry Seinfield said: "Whatever I give her, she will be bringing in experts from all around the world to detect the meaning of it." Thank Goodness for this video to help guide us and let us know what to beware of.

Click here for high quality.


spoon said...

Embedded the video from youtube and resized by a factor of 0.64 (no magic to that, 80% resize wasn't small enough so I did another 80%. 0.8x0.8=0.64). Resize required HTML edits to the embed code. Also, I hyperlinked to the original page you posted for high quality and deleted your comment about "sorry for only linking"