Monday, November 24, 2008

How to Scam a Nigerian

I'm sure you've all received an email or offer at some point to sell your craigslist/ebay item overseas, financially rescue a long lost princess relative, or cash a $50,000 check from Angola. The following story outlines one man's quest to scam a scammer.


Alex B said...

Loved it. I loved the full involvement of everyone, both here in the states and in the UK. How great was the Powerbook he created!

Darren said...

Oh, that is too good! I think that there needs to be more of that happening.

Jacob said...

Spoon, next time you're going to waste a half hour of my life, you've got to give me a heads up. Granted, I thought it was hilarious, but I need to be studying for my finals. I guess that is the purpose of this blog though -- shirking responsibility.