Monday, June 8, 2009

The Ultimate Ego

I used to have a marginal amount of respect for Dan Marino, until I was reading the Wall St. Journal's article about ol' Dan trying to sell his house.

The Wall St. Journal has a real estate section that always has ridiculous houses for sale -- huge, multi-million homes of the rich and famous. Naturally I'm intrigued when I see that Dan Marino's selling his house, I mean, what kind of house can you afford when you're Dan Marino? Apparently Dan's been having a hard time selling his house, so to sweeten the pot he's throwing in some designer furniture and ... a signed football (make sure to view the slideshow for pictures of the house).

It sounds like he tries to play it off like it's no big deal. "Hey, I'll
leave a signed football," but you know deep down he hopes that this is the deal breaker for some sorry sucker. Can you imagine someone contemplating throwing down $13.5 million and thinking, "you know, I wasn't going to do it, but Dan's leaving that football, so what the heck, I'm in." Just the fact that you know deep down Dan hopes this internal monologue happens blows my mind. Talk about arrogance.