Monday, June 15, 2009

MC Hammer Flash Mob

[via YouTube] This may be too soon after Darren's Evolution of Dance posting but I just couldn't pass up posting this MC Hammer flash mob video. Watch the video at least until you see the 60-year-old guy dancing, it isn't to be missed. Hit the jump to see the full video.


Jacob said...

The old guy was classic. My question is, how do you pull something like this off? What's the logistical operations of a flash mob? Someone needs a behind the scenes look at the planning stages.

presidentsdaddy said...

With this type of flash mob you'd need to mostly just practice the actual dance moves and go over the logistics (where will we be dancing, how will we play the music, how will it get recorded, etc.). From there it is simply a timing issue.

spoon said...

was this a improv everywhere?